Coach Anderson Earns 200th Career Win

With the win in Bottineau on Friday, Feb. 21, Stanley varsity boys’ basketball coach Kory Anderson hit the 200 career win mark.
Of the experience, Anderson says, “With the Bottineau win, the boys made me lucky enough to get my 200th win. I wish I had the time and words to thank all the past players and coaches that have helped to get to this milestone. I only bring this millstone up because of all the great players I’ve coached and the great stories along the way. Early in my career I always thought that going to state would be the pinnacle of my career. Although it’s always the goal and a great feeling, it truly falls short to the memories and the stories of the players that create lasting memories of hard work and determination.
A few short examples would be Kale Enget hitting a big 3 pointer to send us to my first ever regional tournament years ago. People saw the shot but maybe missed Kale getting emotional on the bench because he was 0/6 before that shot and us as the coaching staff going to him and telling him he’s going to get another shot and that he was going to knock it down....we say crazy things like that as coaches to keep kids calm and collected but this time it actually happened.”
Yet another story comes from Coach Anderson spying on Wyatt and Rhett Hanson after a loss to North Shore Plaza. “Being able to hear a conversation between little brother and big brother with Rhett telling Wyatt that all he wanted to do is help his brother make it to state again and play with him. Big brother Wyatt reminding Rhett that we still have that as a true possibility. Two weeks later, Rhett Hanson as a sophomore has the most amazing Regional Tournament run averaging 18 points a game helping his team and big brother make the state tournament.”
The last story that came to his mind happened across different years and one that many players aren’t patient enough to let happen. That includes players like Steffen Dauwalder and Kade Snyder. Although they played different years, their story is similar. It took them until their senior year to get time on the varsity team but once they got there, they were such a key participant that they couldn’t be taken off the court. “Kade’s story isn’t finished as we have one last big push in us, but Steffen was able to help a very gifted Seth Hetzel and Rhett Hanson to win 18 games in his senior season after many people thought it was not a possibility.”
Anderson says that stories like this, and there are many more, have made this tiring roller coaster of emotions worth more than any milestone involving wins and losses.