September 25, 2024

Town Hall On Weather Modification To Be Held In Williston

On Thursday, September 26th, a public town hall event will be held in Williston to inform voters on county measures for both Williams and Mountrail counties. Voters in each county will have the opportunity to vote yes or no, with a yes vote abolishing the current county weather modification program in each county.
Proponents of a yes vote are hosting the Town Hall event. Berthold area farmer and former member of the Ward County Weather Modification Board Roger Neshem will speak and answer questions at the Town Hall. The event takes place at the Grand Hotel in Williston and begins at 6:30 p.m. CST. There is no fee to attend but contributions to help push a Yes vote will be accepted.
End Weather Modification Town Hall will be held Thursday, September 26th at 6:30 p.m. CST at the Grand Hotel in Williston at 3601 2nd Ave W. This will include a public informational session and question and answer portion on the Weather Modification programs in Williams and Mountrail Counties.