October 16, 2024

Students Visit Fire Hall

Students Visit Fire Hall

Preschool, homeschool and elementary students visited the Stanley Fire Hall last week as part of Fire Prevention Week. The Stanley Volunteer Fire Department continued this tradition with a goal to have children prepared in the event of an emergency.
Preschool and home school students visited the Fire Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 8, while Stanley elementary students in grades K-2  and more preschool students visited the fire hall on Wednesday, Oct. 9.
The students get the chance to visit the fire hall and check out the trucks and equipment the fire department personnel use. They learn more about fire safety and are able to ask questions. Fire department members also encourage the kids to go home and follow up with their family about three major points: working on a fire exit strategy and meeting place at their homes, checking to make sure they have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers and calling 911 in an emergency.
Students also get to see a fireman in his full turnout gear. They watch the way he transforms as he dons the gear and they see how he looks and sounds so they know what to expect in the event they should ever encounter them in a real-life situation.
National Fire Prevention Week was October 6 through 12. This year’s national theme was “Smoke Alarms. Make them work for you.”