B-Rad 9 Pin Tap Tourney Held

The annual B-Rad 9 pin bowling tournament was held at Gutter Alley in Stanley on Saturday, Feb. 22. The annual event is held in memory of Brad Borud and held in one of his favorite places.
Teams signed up for one of two shifts on Saturday with bowlers looking for the chance to be crowned the winners, but also showing off some of their best costume looks, this year in Vikings gear. There were 54 bowlers this year.
Contests included Vikings costumes for each shift, getting a natural strike with a yellow pin as the head pin, and picking up a split with the yellow and pink pin. Each winner was able to pick a door prize and each team also picked a door prize at the end of each shift.
Vikings contest winners for the first shift were Matt and Sara Evans. Winners for the second shift were Brian Borud and JJ Dale.
First place in the tournament went to Galen Kudrna and Kris Halvorson; second place, Dylan Reynolds and Trent Anderson; and third Place, John Betterly and Andrew Hughes. Last place winners of a 5 piece pizza kit were Terra Grundvig and Lea Grundvig.
Door prizes were donated by BNC Bank, Dakota Drug, West End Boutique, Pinnacle, Tractor Supply, Ace Hardware, Dittbrenner Woodworking, Rustic Bean and Meiers Oil. A $500 prize fund was also donated by Prairie Ford.
E&E Beef gave them a reduced price on beef for the food, while Andrew Hughes and Melissa Bristol donated money towards the food cost.
All proceeds went towards the Brad Borud Scholarship Fund with $2240 raised this year.