May 22, 2024

Just My Opinion - May 22, 2024

Congratulations Class of 2024
Graduation season is in full swing. Stanley, Parshall and NSP all held graduation ceremonies last weekend with New Town and Powers Lake holding their graduation this weekend.
It is hard to believe that the school year is already coming to an end. For the parents of the Class of 2024 that may feel even more true as I remember how quickly that senior year seems to fly by. There is the “last” of everything that makes you feel nostalgic as you still look forward to what the future has to bring for your child.
For those parents, I share this quote I found on Facebook that is attributed to Mother Teresa. “You will teach them to fly, but they will not fly your  flight. You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream. You will teach them to live, but they will not live your life. Nevertheless, in every flight, in every life, in every dream, the print of the way you taught them will remain.”
To the Class of 2024: This class has so much potential. You are gifted, funny, smart and athletic. The future lies before you like an open book. The memories you have made in high school will take you into your future, wherever that may be. The friendships you have made, the connections you have formed and the foundation you have been given by your families will carry you on whether it is college, military or the workforce. Congratulations and we wish you the best!
As you graduate, hold your heads high! Know that you have accomplished much with the challenges put in front of you over the past two years. 
To the Class of 2024: We salute you! We applaud your determination and your successes! You are amazing. You are made stronger by the adversities you face. You are the Class of 2024.
It’s The First Visit Week
We have started having grandkids visit for the summer already. Abel is here this week. The kids got out of school on Friday, May 17 and don’t start summer care until after Memorial Day. With Amanda working from home right now, having all three kids at home all day and trying to work could be a challenge.
We decided that Abel could come right away. We met Zach on Friday night in Minot and I’ll take him home on Thursday when I head to State Track.
We’re about halfway through his visit while I write my column and I will tell you it has been very busy and very fun. At seven, he is full of energy from the minute his feet hit the floor in the morning until he crashes and burns at bedtime.
We spent a day in Minot and will likely go again on Tuesday to go to the zoo if the weather cooperates. There have been games and puzzles, Lego building with Papa, fun food, movies and more.
He had to spend the day at the office on Monday, but work looks different for a seven year old. There were massages in the massage chair, playing with some football figurines he found, playing games with Jada and going for a Whirla Whip with Papa.
I love having the grandkids come to stay for their week. We’re making memories that will last forever. They’re only little for a little while. Before we know it, they will be grown and leaving home. I’m glad we can do this every year and for as long as they want to come.
I’m not quite sure yet when Jozie and Carter will come for their turn. I got a message today from Jozie that she can’t wait for her week and that she hoped her brother was having a good time. We’ll get them scheduled and it will be two more weeks of whirlwind activity.
I might be tired and dragging a little bit when they leave, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything!