September 11, 2024

Just My Opinion - by Mary Kilen

That Time Of Year
The calendar still indicates it is summer and Mother Nature seems determined to give us a taste of multiple seasons. It’s just another typical September.
You know what I mean. You get up in the morning to get ready for work and look at the thermometer. It likely reads somewhere in the 50s. It might be a little lower even.
If you’re anything like me, you look at your clothing choices and try to base the decisions on what the temperature will be later in the day. That means, likely, you are starting out with capris or shorts, along with a tank top or short sleeve shirt, layered up with a jacket or sweater.
You are also treated to the various temperatures throughout the week.
Last Tuesday, I was out on the golf course for the cross country meet. It was so hot and miserable. I spent about and hour and a half on the course, taking pictures of the two varsity meets before heading back home.
By the time I left I was miserably hot and sweaty and I wasn’t even running. I watched the athletes come up over the rise at the end of the race giving it everything they had and then collapsing as they crossed the finish line.
Then there are the unfortunate mornings when you wake up and can almost chew the air. The mornings where you wake up and the wildfire smoke makes you feel like you are downwind from a campfire. I wouldn’t mind if that went away. I was grateful that we had no outdoor sports on Wednesday when the air quality was so bad.
Friday I was back out on the course for the girls’ golf meet. This time, I was wearing jeans and my jacket. It was a cool morning after rain the evening before. Checking in with the hole watchers, they were wearing jackets, under blankets and waiting for coffee. It warmed up nicely in the afternoon, but nothing like it was just three days before.
This week will have some of those ups and downs again. I’m trying not to complain about being too hot. I know that in a month or so, I’ll be wishing for about 20 of those degrees to add to what I’m seeing on the thermometer.
The coolness in the morning reminds us of fall while the heat during the day brings memories of a summer past. One thing is for sure, if you don’t like the weather just wait. It’ll change soon enough. Fall will be here before we know it. It doesn’t need to rush because we all know what comes after that!
So for now, I’ll keep choosing the layers to start the morning and enjoy the sun as it hits my face in the afternoon. Hopefully, I’ll get lucky and Dale and I will get the trike out a few more times yet this year. I just need my schedule to cooperate and give me time!
I’ll also appreciate this nicer weather during the fall sports seasons. It’s nice to not have to bundle up for football games, cross country or golf.