August 7, 2024

Just My Opinion - by Mary Kilen

That’s A Wrap On Summer Visits
We wrapped up our visit with Jozie last Friday when we took her to Minot to meet her dad and head home. We packed the last few days with lots of activity before sending her home.
As promised, we took her to Minot on Tuesday afternoon. Normally, we would get pedicures, but after breaking my foot last year and spraining the other one a few weeks ago, I wasn’t quite sure I wanted anyone touching my feet. That’s a shame, because those mani-pedis are a highlight of her visit and something we have done for several years. Joz was a good sport about it, understanding my concerns, and instead we took on a shopping day. Poor Dale was a great sport about our various stops.
It included a trip to Ulta where Joz picked out a couple pairs of glue-on nails which would become part of the rest of her visit. (Nana’s note: glue-on nails are a challenge. Not only do you get glue all over your fingers, it dries quickly meaning stuck together fingers, fingers stuck to nails and more!)
We made a stop at Bath and Bodyworks because she loves the scents and couldn’t wait to check out all of the fall scents. There was a trip to Scheel’s to get candy at Fuzziwigs and a stop at Barnes and Noble for a new book. We also picked up some puzzles along the way. She chose supper at Olive Garden to wrap up the day.
Wednesday was a work day for me as I had things that had to get wrapped up for the end of the month. Joz hung out at the office, entertaining everyone and sitting in the massage chair.
We took on Crazy Days/Summerfest on Thursday and did pretty much all of the things. We got our horse-drawn wagon ride with the Lunds, had lunch courtesy of Bravera, checked out the food vendors including two different lemonades and a root beer float, and dunked a dancer in the dunking booth. We shopped at the Farmer’s Market where Jozie picked out something for her mom and she scored five new books at the library’s book sale. We ended over at the elementary school. Joz decided the line was longer than she wanted to wait for the go-carts, but she did ride the mechanical bull. The day ended with another trip to the pool for all three of us. That was a great break from the heat of the day.
Jozie was also my partner in crime each night watching the Olympics. We crawled into bed and settled in with snacks to enjoy watching the events, especially the swimming and gymnastics.
On Friday, we spent the day at the office and then packed up our little girl to go home. I hated to send her home because we were having a great time, but she starts school soon. We drove to Minot and met Zach at Badlands for supper to hand her off.
Buddy is not happy. He has enjoyed the three kids visits, as well as the extra two visits they made this summer. After two weeks of having Carter and then Jozie in the house, he seems a bit lonely and unhappy to be stuck with just Dale and me.

A Happy Photographer
When we met Zach on Friday night, he brought my camera back from Mandan. After spending a few weeks at the Camera Clinic, the shutter blades have been fixed and it got a much needed cleaning. A fellow photographer had told me about the Camera Clinic and I could not be more pleased with the service I received. If you have a camera that needs repairs, a cleaning or service, let me know and I’ll give you the phone number.
I got to take it for a test drive over the weekend and it is almost like having a new camera with all the joy and ease of knowing that camera’s features and settings like the back of my hand. I’ll be more than happy to have it back in time for the fall sports seasons.
Here Comes The School Year
Here we are at the start of August and the school year in Stanley is just two weeks away as you read this column. Classes start on Wednesday, Aug. 21 and the annual Back to Blue Jay night will be Thursday, Aug. 22. Parshall students return to class on Wednesday, Aug. 14. North Shore/Plaza and New Town classes start on Thursday, Aug. 15
Meanwhile, in Stanley, cheerleading and girls’ golf practices got underway on Monday, Aug. 5. Football practice starts on Thursday, Aug. 8. Cross country starts practice on August 12 and volleyball starts practice on August 19.
I’m not sure where the summer went. It seems like it just started yesterday. If I look back, I know how much we did over the last three months, but it just flew by.
Here’s our hopes for a good start to all the schools in Mountrail County as students head back to class.
As you go back to school also consider this different type of school supply list posted by a teacher friend of mine and attributed to
School Supply List
* Consistent bedtime
* Homework routine
* Filling, healthy breakfasts
* Review school rules
* Support school expectations
* Discuss kindness
* Teach empathy
* Patience for teacher
* behavioral accountability
* Emotional regulation

Mother Nature Has A Sense Of Humor
We spent the last two weeks with grandkids at our house. It was hot the whole time. The four days at the fair were brutal at times with the heat, especially when we were on the midway or in the food area with the kids. There was a lot of discussion about making sure we stayed hydrated. We also looked for air conditioned spaces to cool down and visited a few of our favorite vendors including the company we have bought two different swings from. There were also trips to the pool to cool off and this Nana got in twice.
Then came this week. Saturday and Sunday’s cool downs were a welcome change for this editor. It was nice to be able to sit on the front deck and not feel like I was melting.
Getting up on Monday was more of a shock to my system. First, it had been raining throughout the night for the first time in weeks and my gauge showed nearly a quarter of an inch of rain, compared to the little amount that the weatherman said we would get between Sunday night and Monday.
The weather forecast for this week that shows temperatures in the 60s and low 70s will also feel like fall. When I was hoping for cooler temperatures, this is a little cooler than I had in mind.
I’m sitting at my desk as I write this wearing a jacket for the first time in what feels like forever. I know it’s really only been maybe a month, but I wasn’t ready for that when I was getting ready for work this morning.
I’m guessing that the football players will appreciate the cooler temperatures as they start practice on Thursday. I’ve been at some of those first practices where the temperatures were so blistering hot that I was sure they were going to pass out. Running drills and getting into playing shape will likely be much easier with cooler weather. I’m not so sure the girls’ golf team will feel the same way as they are on the course this week getting ready for their season.
It’s often been said, don’t like the weather, just wait a little while and it will change. I’m sure that the temperatures will warm up again before long. After all, it’s only early August. I’m going to try to enjoy every one of the cooler days and again when it gets warmer. After all, we all know what is just around the corner!